Sunday, November 20, 2011

How would you answer this statement ?

"God told Satan to tempt Eve to disobey so that Adam and Eve could have sex in order to fulfill the command God gave them to multiply and fill the earth.  "

( You see when God created Adam and Eve they were not complete, they did not have the "plumbing" yet. They did not get their sexual organs at creation, but after they sinned. They were not embarrassed until after they ate the forbidden fruit. )

Please comment to leave your answer.  Let's make this interactive, fun & informative.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How would you answer these two questions I asked our 6 men.

1. Where will you go when you die?

2. What do you base your answer on? (Why?)

Please leave your answers. I will give some of their answers later on.