Sunday, November 20, 2011

How would you answer this statement ?

"God told Satan to tempt Eve to disobey so that Adam and Eve could have sex in order to fulfill the command God gave them to multiply and fill the earth.  "

( You see when God created Adam and Eve they were not complete, they did not have the "plumbing" yet. They did not get their sexual organs at creation, but after they sinned. They were not embarrassed until after they ate the forbidden fruit. )

Please comment to leave your answer.  Let's make this interactive, fun & informative.



  1. Ok, let's not be shy. I really want you to chime in on this question.

  2. Craig,

    I couldn't help but resist. It is quite and interesting question. While I am no Hebrew scholar, I am not sure "they were naked and not ashamed" necessarily implies that they had no plumbing. Every time I can recall later in the OT when it refers to nakedness intact plumbing is always assumed. Before the Fall, they were holy- set apart for God. After the fall they were in a state of unrighteousness- set apart from God. The outward sign of this inward condition separation was the compelling desire to have a covering since they were no longer in unfettered communion. Thus, if your exegesis of the text leads you to believe that they were closer to humans than they were to Barbie and Ken dolls (which would be the position I hold) then the question becomes mute. While theologians over the ages have discussed the tension of God's sovereignty and man's free will, I need to take my daughter to school.

    -Rich C.

  3. One word... Unbiblical. Genesis 1:28 (describing events that took place before the fall)"God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that crawls on the earth." By saying Adam and Eve "did not get their sexual organs at creation" they're basically saying that sex is a sin and it clearly is not ("be fruitful and multiply").Nuff said....

  4. Very interesting comment. I always had in mind that when God created man he was complete. So does this mean in the mind of this person sex is bad?

  5. Hummmmmm I don't believe this to be totally true. As AnnMarie and myself just discussed this a little she emntioned the thought of Adam needing companionship from the begining. so the desires were there right along with the plumbing. but before they ate the forbiden fruit the thought was of pure intentions. and after sinning for the first time it all became shamefull?

  6. Thank you for your comments. We have 6 families from 4 language groups all from the same church organization. This is probably not in the official church doctrine but the same basic thought pattern came from all 6 families.

    What they were taught is that there was no sex until after the fall of man. They were not embarrassed until after they sinned nor did they "cover up" until after they sinned. It is not mentioned until after they are out of the garden of Eden that "Adam knew his wife and she conceived a son" So following this logical thought pattern they have come to this conclusion and teach this as well.

    Once this came out we had to back up just a bit and teach about what GOD said about HIS creation. At the end of each day God said "it is good". On the last day of creation He created the the land animals as well as Adam and Eve and gave them the command to "be fruitful and multiply". When God created them He created each thing perfectly and with the ability and equipment to fulfill the command He gave them. At the end of creation He said "it is very good".

    Also in Genesis 2:24 we read "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh." Part of this "one flesh" is the intimate relationship between husband and wife.

    Continue to pray as we pass on to these men what has been passed on to us. 2 Tim 2:2

  7. I always believed that God created Adam and Eve complete. Elsewise how could they multiply? God leaves nothing unfinished. As for the idea the God asked Satan to tempt Eve, NO WAY. Satan needs no prompting to tempt anyone. He thrives on temptation. Rejoices when we sin. Interesting poser. Have a great day.

  8. In the beginning God created the sex impulses and generative powers in the first man and woman and commanded them to cohabit and bring forth children. It was therefore no sin for the perfect pair to have sexual intercourse. However, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, not in the matter of sex relations, but in eating the forbidden fruit, drastic changes took place. Suddenly their guilty sin-stricken consciences made them aware of their nakedness, and they immediately covered their genital organs from God’s sight. (Ge 3:7, 10, 11) - God’s command, as found at Genesis 2:16, 17, reads: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.”
    At the time this command was given to Adam, he was alone in the garden, for the creation of the woman is not mentioned until later in the account. (Gen. 2:21, 22) The command itself shows that Adam was by himself. In the original Hebrew text, the word “you” is in the singular. Therefore in languages that have both singular and plural forms for “you” (such as French, German and Spanish - not sure about Indonesian) the singular form appears in the prohibition, “You must not eat from it.”
    So, how could the forbidden fruit pertain to sex relations, when Adam was the only human on the earth?
